2. Créations sonores/ 8. Multi-médias


As part of the Multiple World•s meetings

DRUMS SHOW is a platform-moment where research proposals, live intents, take place in streaming, like in a series of direct experiences.

Following a practice of the radio developed collectively for close to a year, we have undertaken to use the television technologies (audiovisual management and multi-camera plan) in order to produce a flow permitting us to explore new scenographies.

But questions remain: how to have feedback on our creation when the audience is thousands of kilometers away from those who produce the content? Just how are we in a form of existence if it is close to a one-sided beam? 

In addition, the audiovisual plan wants to be considered as a form of listening in which the various elements of the production chain (presence of the bodies, lights, framing...) permit us to anchor in the live, this form of collective creation. 

This moment becomes the deciding factor because it is composed in a same space-time.

DRUMS SHOW was our final proposal for the Multiple World-s Festival. 

Thank you to the Ensa Bourges and Antre Peaux for their support, Thank you to Lou Froehlicher and Flora Bouteille for their active participation during the live.


The DRUMS is a collective of nine artists who each do their own research in the field of sound. As the year 2020 group of the post-diploma Arts and Sound Creations in the Ensa Bourges, the collective questions the new possible relationships between arts and sound.




The Drums collective find its name in the eponymous piece composed in 1975 by Laurie Spiegel, to honor her pioneer electronic music compositions. Drums has an interdisciplinary and prolific practice and tends to explore collective experiences.

Programmation associée